vega UVC

VEGA UVCAlmeco Vega Lighting Vega UVC image

Almeco Group Logo

Vega UVC is Almeco's high reflective aluminium surface designed specifically to accelerate the sanitizing power of UV rays.

Please be aware that our products are specialised components for OEM applications only.

Contact us to discuss your specific project needs.

Product Benefits

  • Quick and effective solution to anodise environments and objects
  • UV-C band (200-280nm) destroys DNA bonds of viruses and bacteria
  • Vega UVC increases the effectiveness of the UV system through reflection, increasing the disinfection power
  • Can be used to cover internal walls of equipment and medical devices
Almeco Vega Lighting VegaUVC image
Vega UVC
 VegaUVC Technical Data
Vega UVC brochure
Please refer to the individual data sheet for the full product specification.